Have you seen TED?
No, TED is not a friend from down the street or a buddy from work, TED (short for Technology, Entertainment, and Design) is a non-profit organization with the focus of “Ideas Worth Spreading”. It is a truly amazing organization. Great videos. Learn more about TED here.
After learning about TED, I occasionally look for interesting TED talks to get information or inspiration from. Some of the more interesting TED talks I have viewed dealt with directional speakers and growing adult molars in a dish. I recently wandered upon this talk entitled Benjamin Zander on Music and Passion. Not terribly interesting title to me except for the presenter, Benjamin Zander.
The Art of Possibility
A few months ago, I happened upon a book, The Art of Possibility: Transforming Professional and Personal Life by Rosamund and Benjamin Zander. To say this book changed my life is a little dramatic, but it did and still does have a profound effect on me. One specific topic, Give everyone an “A” (explained briefly in a previous post), has greatly changed the way I look at people. So, after seeing that Mr Zander was giving a TED talks, I was very anxious to watch. [Read more…]